Commercial for ARIGHI BIANCHI

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£350 adults for 1 day shoot to include 12months usage TV/ VOD & online.

£175 kids for 1 day shoot to include 12months usage TV/ VOD & online.

Plus an additional £250 turn up fee if they are required on a second shoot
day ( in store & on location which is very likely)

Plus an additional kids £150 turn up fee if they are required on a second
shoot day ( in store & on location which is very likely)

Plus the potential of Stills, where they would get a buyout fee of £300

Plus the potential kids Stills, where they would get a buyout fee of £150

These commercials are a series of portraits, snapshots if you like,
featuring real people – people the audience can identify with who are
discovering something new about furniture, maybe for the first time, or even
rediscovering something they’ d thought was lost. Cast members shouldn’ t be
too quirky but they need to be memorable in some small way. Understated
beauty with perhaps an unusual smile, a cute laugh, interesting eyes, ginger
with freckles would be a good start. A good mix of ages and ethnicities will
suit the commercials best.

We’ re probably looking at 30- to 55- year- olds. 3- 5 women 3- 5 men
Perhaps 1- 2 children Possibly a dog and a cat.


OLDER LADY: An older lady, maybe 55+ with a colourful dress sense.

YOUNG 20’s MALE: A young 20ish single man, a bachelor with a taste for clean lines and good

MIDDLE AGED MAN: A middle-aged, late 30s/early 40s man with a shaved or bald head who enjoys
yoga, looks after himself and eats healthily.

WOMAN 40’s: An elegant 40-something female with (pretty Parisienne) expensive tastes.

MALE 30’s: Two mid-30s male biker types with a softer side (definitely not clichéd

DAD: An older everyday sort of dad (35+) who’s totally comfortable in his own

9 YEAR OLD BOY: A 9-year-old boy who takes after his dad

20’s GIRL: A sixties Mod-inspired 20-something girl.

30 YEAR OLD GIRL NEXT DOOR: A 30-year-old girl-next-door. Not stand-out beautiful but has that special,
quite compelling something about her.

6 YEAR OLD GIRL: A 6-year-old girl with a 30 year-old attitude.

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