casting STILLS for NEXT AV

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STAND IN:  (Male or female) A female/male in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties needed for a series of stills. S/he will not be recognisable and we will not shoot him/her from the neck up. Strong, interesting physique with well defined muscles. The campaign will involve several shots which would be a mixture of close ups of parts of the anatomy i.e. torso, back, arm, palm of the hand. This represents the differing sensations that the car makes the person
inside feel. Preferably no tattoos. We will take 5-8 shots during the casting. Playing age25 – 35 Fee: £500 plus 20%.

MAN: (Male) A male in his early thirties needed for a series of stills. Strong,  interesting look. Charismatic, with a natural smile. The photography focusses on people, their relationships and joyful moments. We would especially like to see men of an Asian ethnicity. Preferably no tattoos. We will take 5-8 shots during the casting. Playing age30 – 35. Fee : £500 Buyout: £2000 (2 years Global BTL all print media / internet + digital  media)

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